Friday, January 5, 2007

Lesson of the day:

When ordering food or beverage, if you are not going to stay in the establishment to eat or drink it, do not ask for it "to go". You will get strange stares. Instead, say you want it "for take-away". Then, they'll gladly package it up for you to take with you.

In other news, we're still trying to get the hang of being a pedestrian here. I didn't think the whole "driving on the left" thing would be a big deal, since I don't have to drive, but it makes a huge impact on how we cross streets as a pedestrian. The drivers are crazy here!

Didn't rain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, sounds like everything is going well and looks like it is beautiful over there. I love the pictures!!! All of us have looked at your blog, so keep it up. Also I am going to show Gram so she can see the pictures and things. Well have fun and we will keep checking in! ~Angela, Jim, and Emily :-)