Friday, April 13, 2007

Bath & Stonehenge

This is Bath from the bridge that crosses the river.

The King's royal bath. No one bathed in it--well, maybe he did.

The Royal Crescent estates. Every couple pillars, there is a door (entrance to the house). All of them are, by law, white--except one. One of the doors is bright yellow: an act of defiance by... umm... someone important at the time. It's been kept that way since. Rumor has it Johnny Depp has bought a house in this complex.

And now... Stonehenge. Unfortunately, I'm unable to confirm or deny the rumor that it was constructed by aliens because, as I sat in the grass to listen to my audio guide, I put my arm in a thistle weed, and started itching and swelling like nothing I've ever experienced. Fearful that I might be having an extreme allergic reaction causing my throat to close up and whatever other dreadful things happen to people with allergies (--you've heard the horror stories of bees, shellfish, and peanuts--), I quickly made my way to the exit, turned in my audio guide, and hunted down the tour guide at the van. He assured me, though, that I would be fine and the itching and swelling would soon subside. Whew!

Seriously, though... it was an absolutely surreal experience. I still can't believe that I've seen in person this wonder that most people merely read about in books. How lucky am I? Truly.

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